Friday, December 18, 2009

Course Reflection

This course has given me an excellent opportunity to gain knowledge in an area that I thought I was more familiar with. I did, however expand my current skills during this class. Before taking this course, I envisioned that it would only highlight some computer programs such as Power Point, Excel, Microsoft Word, and Outlook. The outcome was so much more. I never would have imagined the scope of this course and how in depth it actually went. Since I rarely use Power Point presentations at work, it was highly beneficial to me to be able to create a slide show presentation with our campus data.

Weeks 1 and 2 of the course were extremely vital to me. They laid the foundation of technology as an instructional leader. Those two weeks gave me many opportunities to be creative and insightful. I did a Technology Applications Inventory, which accessed my knowledge and skills in the four Strands: Foundation, Information, Acquisition, Solving problems, and Communications. I also reviewed and summarized the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, which gave me the chance to explore ideas for my campus as an instructional leader guiding technology implementation. Until this course, I was unfamiliar with the Texas Long Range Plan. Also, after reviewing the Technology Applications TEKS, I was familiarized with what our students should know about technology in different grade levels. I looked at three years of Campus STaR Chart data for my campus. I observed that the trend was virtually consistent in those years. I felt that as an instructional leader, we need to do more staff developments, workshops, or online trainings.

These assessments helped me realize that we are not being provided with enough opportunities to develop our technology skills, or to learn new concepts. I began looking at ways that we could prepare our staff to be 21st Century Teachers to fit our 21st Century Learners. This was confirmed in one of our faculty meetings. Our principal informed us that every room in every school in our district was going to be provided a smart board and speaker systems. However, with all of the technology updates, most teachers that work on our campus will not know how to utilize the new technology. This class has also made me look at cell phone usage in a different perspective. The information in regards to Internet safety and copyrights provided additional information that I thought I was knowledgeable in, but didn’t know how in-depth it really was. This has given me useful information that I am able to pass along to my students and colleagues.

Blogging was something virtually foreign to me. While I have read a blog, I had never created one. The round table discussion provided examples of how an instructional leader might utilize blogging, wikis, and podcast to communicate with faculty, students, parents, and stakeholders. Blogs provide a communication space that teachers can use with students whenever there is a curriculum need to develop writing, share ideas, and reflect on work being undertaken in the classroom. Blogging also serves as a communication tool to connect us to other educators and ideas we may have never found. It helps us do our jobs better and deliver more valuable instruction to our students. Students are more engage in the learning process. The real value of blogs isn’t just in networking with our peers. Teachers, administrators and school board members already collaborate. But the most important benefit of utilizing a blog is being able to communicate and interact with those members of the community who we usually have a tougher time reaching. In our district that would be the parents, voters, and anyone in the community who is concerned about education. Stakeholders may subscribe to an RSS Feed, which is the more common technique. An RSS Feed directs them to a special place where they would be able to view the blog. This alleviates the use of crowded email inboxes. As an instructional leader I want to be visible and open for feedback. I want to also model effective use of technology for my faculty. There would be a limited numbers of difficulties utilizing a blog. I believe some staff would not be receptive to the idea because of fear of change. Also, as everyone is able to participate on a blog, biased and or inaccurate information may occur.

Overall, this course has truly been a learning experience. It was insightful and suggestive of new perspectives. I gained useful knowledge that I can pass along to my current students and colleagues. It has equipped me with the primary foundations of technology, so that I may become a succcessful instructional leader.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Action Plan for Technology Implementation

Action Plan for Technology Implementation
La Porte Independent School District
Regina H. Felder

EDLD 5352

Vision Statement
To participate in the fast changing global economy, La Porte ISD will provide students, educators, and stakeholders’ access to information, which allows for the effective integration of technology into the learning process.

Goals and Objectives


Person Responsible

Professional Staff will demonstrate necessary technology skills by mastering the SBEC Technology Applications Standards
· Provide technology staff development to help support technology integration

· Implement and support the School Objects Workshop online staff development

· Utilize the Teacher STaR Charts and technology surveys to determine development needs
Barbara Farmer, Coordinator of Staff Development
Instructional Technology Specialists staff development report

Staff development reports

STaR Chart and survey reports
To help students acquire content relevant to their needs beyond the classroom
· District will provide Internet access to all instructional areas

· District will provide video distance video distance learning at all campuses

· Will proved students with extra-hours access to computer facilities
Mike Mc Phail, Instructional Technology Specialist

Mike Mc Phail, Instructional Technology Specialist

Joanne Kolius, Principal
Campus Surveys

Usage reports

Sign in sheets

Improve and increase technical support
· Implement , update, and revise intranet portal to Special Programs information

· Provide access through I-Nova, to student benchmarks and curriculum for administrators, teachers, students, and parents over the internet

· Implement PEIMS/
· SASixp Training

C.C. Wu, Director of Information Services

C.C. Wu, Director of Information Services; Eddie Hill, Executive Director of Technology

Kim Lyons, PEIMS Specialist

Server logs

Benchmark reports

Training sign in sheets
Integrate Technology Applications TEKS in the core curriculum
· Continue to support the Plato software at the alternative campus as well as the high school for the district to address credit recovery and remediation for students

· Develop and publish technology activities that correlate with curriculum to serve as instructional resources for all teachers

· Create project-based learning activities that integrate the Technology Applications TEKS into the curriculum using a range of instructional strategies

· Plan, select, and implement instruction that allows students to use technology applications in problem-solving and decision-making situations
Joanne Kolius, Principal; Debbie Stewart, Principal; Teachers, Counselors

Mike Mc Phail, Instructional Technology Specialist; Teachers

Mike McPhail, Instructional Technology Specialist; Teachers; Joanne Kolius, Principal

Plato lab reports

Student projects

Student projects

Student projects/works samples
Utilize technology to inform the community
· District will podcast Board meetings and district programs

· Maintain the district/ campus web page with information of interest to parents and students

· District will increase the involvement of community members in technology planning
Eddie Hill, Executive Director of Technology;
C.C. Wu, Director of Information Services

Eddie Hill, Executive Director of Technology; C.C. Wu, Director of Information Services
Mike Mc Phail, Instructional Technology Specialist ;
Joanne Kolius, Principal

Eddie Hill, Executive Director of Technology

Podcast Schedule

Review of the web page

Number of community members attending technology meetings

Will provide infrastructure for technology
· Will develop and implement a plan for reallocation, refresh and or replacement of hardware and software

· Provide network capable workstations for students and educators. Ratio of 1:1 is the goal by 2012

· District provides safe and secure networks through the use of firewalls and virus protection

· Provide all classrooms with whiteboard and projectors

· All teachers are provided with microphone with surround sound capabilities
Eddie Hill, Executive Director of Technology

Finance; Mike Mc Phail, Instructional Technology Specialist

Mike Mc Phail, Instructional Technology Specialist

Eddie Hill, Executive Director of Technology

Eddie Hill, Executive Director of Technology

Set target dates

Set target dates

Network availability,
Software in place

Set target date of completion

Set target date of completion

Determine the effectiveness of the Technology Plan

Present to the Board yearly our state of technology

District will create a comprehensive needs assessment for technology

District will assess the impact of technology on student achievement
Eddie Hill, Executive Director of Technology

Eddie Hill, Executive Director of Technology

Joanne Kolius, Principal; Eddie Hill, Executive Director of Technology; Assistant Principals
Board Meeting presentation

Needs assessment produced

Completed evaluation

Help students to become active learners through the use of appropriate technologies

· The District will standardize and/or provide software aligned to state instructional standards.

· The District will provide students and teachers with appropriate subscription based websites and databases

· The District will ensure that students are observing the district Acceptable Use Policy,
· practicing online safety, and abiding by copyright laws

Jamey Osborne, Director of Instructional Technology

Jamey Osborne, Director of Instructional Technology

Teachers; Joanne Kolius, Principal; Mike Mc Phail, Instructional Technology Specialist

Meeting minutes; Technology Review forms

User logs

Acceptable use forms on campus, User logs

Professional Development

Professional Development will be offered based on the needs of the district. Information will come from the STaR Charts, Teacher Technology Surveys, the Districts Technology Planning Committee, and feedback from the Instructional Technology Specialist. Technology training will be officered all year long, in person, online, and via video conferencing.
Our goals for Professional Development will focus on the following objectives:
1. Training on how to integrate Technology Application TEKS into the delivery of instruction
2. Development in technology literacy skills for Read/Write web applications (blogs, wikis, podcast)
3. Training on appropriate and safe use of the Internet and copyright laws
4. Develop strategies for using technology to enhance learning for at-risk students


La Porte Independent School District will actively monitor and adjusts technology implementation as a part of our ongoing evaluation plan. The entire Technology Division will meet monthly to discuss progress. The plan will be revisited once a year by the Technology Planning Committee. In addition, the campus technology committee and resource person will provide feedback and suggestions on a regular basis as they implement their campus technology plans. This information will be utilized to examine the school programs to address any needs. We will also implement technology surveys. By using the results of the surveys, the district will be able to identify important technology needs and problems in the implementation of technology.